* tHe stoRy of another ordinary yet uniQue guY - *

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Okie.... well taking my RP course rite now and ending tml........ its been a fruitful 2 wks....... Yeah~ cool! can bookout everynite..... be da envy of all my mates..... n I really seen ALots More PPL~(Think Some1 worst than zhi hong....)
There is a guy........ private tan........ from 6SIR~ He was posted here to RP on course. Hmm........ he is a weirdo..... from e 1st time i talk to him....... i just dun feel comfortable..... he has a untrustly feeling on me. So well....... this scary case happen yesterday(thursday)........ Well this tan is a joke of the whole class....... he is mad over a gal...... WHOM he DUN EVEN KNOW..... n just knowing e gal's name n HP number(which i dunno is valid not?) n He keeps claiming tat gal to b his GF. Okie....... nvm....... than some of da guys........ who r those disturbing ppl type..... ka jiao him..... by askin him to do stupid things like.......saluting to the Air-Con Man(which I really dun like wat they ask him to do).... Saluting to da IC..... SAluting to THE PRESIDENT's PHOTO hanging on Da WALL~ FUCK! n Guess What~ He really salute juz becuz the guys said tat they will call the gal...... n tell her to leave him. Cuz tat day he was going to do Guard Duty @ nite..... so they keep playing around with the number n him..... n after da salutings..... he was ask to recite da 7 Core values..... n HE REALLY CANNOT MAKE IT~ Loyalty to Factory~ FUCK!@ Fighting People?!?! FUCK~ QUIT for soldiers?!?!?!?! FUCKING HELL~~ argh~
Okie......... after all these shit.......... tat guy suddenly became pissed off n his face expression suddenly changed~ He kept talkin to himself n suddenly he said " HE IS GOING TO KILL XXXXXX." n I froze..... becuz his expression was really serious n I believe if he does go on Guard Duty n with the live rounds....... he will kill tat somebody~ After he keep on repeating that....... Our IC was worried n He went to report to our PS...... n Guess wat I heard from his camp-mates..... @ 6SIR...... his unit..... he Had once pointed a rifle LOADED with live ROUNDS @ Somebody~!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK~!!~!~!~!~ n He was lucky becuz the rifle was in SAFE MODE! DAMNZ n HE WASN'T CHARGED @ ALL~~~~
After hearing that .............. I was like "OMFG~ WTF~ etc"
Well~ our IC alert our PS n CC ~ in e end............. b4 we bookout....... we got fucked hard for playing those stupid jokes on him......... n gotten warning n shits.
Today..... Our CC told us tat tan will be out of course with the reason of mental issues to be settled~ OMG~
Tat guy has some problems up in his brainz Man~
DAMN! I wonder how he get into here man~ He should go IMH!

So yeah~ Think Zhi Hong's worst? Think again~ @ least he is not psychotic~

Chill Off~

PS: Scary Scary~ A murder almost committed in da camp~ But Thx to our IC~ it was avoided! Well~ pass out as RP liao~ waiting n hopefully next course.......... Guard Dog Trainer!
iT'S GonnA bE a Cat VS Dog timE~:P

nv alone again with nana at 10:03 PM

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Haiz....... 1 Wk into my private life................... Life been different for all of my bmt frenz..... some enjoying.... some crying..... some still da same...... So fast!
But Hey! quick! 2nd June 07 ORD! faster come pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick let me get out of army...... I want my PINK IC!~ sob sobzzz.....

Chill Off~

PS: ARgh!~ Fuck la....today saturday! Muz go enjoy~ AdioS~

nv alone again with nana at 2:54 PM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

On 3rd June 2005......... was the day.... when I enlisted to start my life @ da legendary tekong island for my 16wks BMT........ I was than a new bird mixing around with my new friends/ bunkmates! The was people like (accordin to bed no. ) 3rd Lt Shah... Pussy Heng.... Fabian..... Elson.....Jerry..... Iskandar....Me..... Sherman(buddy).... Stinky Bernie...... "SI"spec Hao...... Oh Chee Seng a.k.a OCS..... n A-Cup~~
We were in the Mild Obese batch from the Most Garang....Most Xiong....... Most Power Company in Sch 1 GRYPHON~(clap clap)
In Da beginning~ We were all counting down..... 16 Wks To POP~(Mr Elson always does tt every lightsout)....... Till We were left with 1 More Day To POP!!!!!! WoW..... Time Flies~
Thru-out Da 16 wks, we endured SHiTs like fieldcamp~ pumping.... getting Screw Up e Ass by Sgts... Sirs.... The Classic Leopard Crawl(rememeber? *Winks) ..... IPPT...... SOC..... ROute Marches...... Chao KEngs..... Standby Beds..... DRAW ARMS!!!~....... Sitting n Talking Cock during our rest times...... Dun Do Area Cleaning.....SIT Test!...... da Famous HEADS OUT!!!!...... etc
I knew e FieldCamp experience will be one in the lifetime experience tat I will never forget! We have fun..... we bleed.... we cried..... we suffer! n Now Its TimE To POP!
As we gear up for POP...... I felt a sense of pride within me.... i believe every1 felt da same too. As we prepare to march in...... the tension n feelin was unbelieveable! As the practise was without da crowd... the feeling was so different. After the march/parade sections.... we ran in Singing "training to be soldiers" n It was then when ya parents help ya put on ya Jockey cap! U have finally became a train soldiers..... Ya Screw the infantry Roar.... the infantry Songs n Tat Stupid stand up for singapore shitz!~
The Feeling was really undescrible when the MC announces..."May we present to u.... a TRAINED Soldier!!!!" & as we threw our Jockey camp up high.... we Shouted "POP LOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was a day.......we waited...... we endure..... n e day we shall part from our bunks n mates...... Tears Flowing out from some of us...... n it was 1 scene tat I will never forget in life.
Pride....Tears.....Honor..... We have accomplished all Da shits n stuff to become a private! That day shall always be rememebered..... as I remember.
As we say goodbye...... there will be no more S-Club 7 sabo kings like Bernie Lam Zhi Guang Sunny A.K.A Raghu Nickname: Pussy LIps! haha( Zhi Hong....bernie.....Raghu...... Lam......Sunny...... Yi Guang......Yau Wen......)
As I rememeber~
(Phrase "I remember" is taken from Mr Marcus Jeffery's touching script title!)

Chill Off~

PS: In life..... there is no way we wun part..... but we shall rememeber excellence thru brotherhood.....brotherhood thru friendship....with arms we fight together.... in arms we cry together! Platoon 3 ! All Da Way!

nv alone again with nana at 9:16 PM

- ur name -

age: 22
birth-day: 5th Augest 1985
skool: SIM
location: Singapore
Wishlist 08: To Watch Liverpool FC Live @ Anfield!
Travel Around the World
To Participate In next season APPT!
Grad. Trip to Japan!

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MSN: sadako1985@hotmail.com

Friendster: teddy2e2@yahoo.com

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